这蛋糕是法国甜点师Dorie Greenspan的Baking From my home to yours一书的封面蛋糕,Dorie Greenspan我上次做迷你牛奶巧克力蛋糕Mini Milk Chocolate Bundt Cakes中的提到过。天使蛋糕估计大家都知道的,洁白轻盈,只用蛋白不用蛋黄,无油或少油,而魔鬼蛋糕正好和它相反,不光烤出来的外型漆黑,有点像面目可憎的魔鬼而且它的配方里的油脂和可可粉的用量也相当的可观,所以还是天使比魔鬼更让人觉得可爱些哈!
第一次看到这书就被封面这蛋糕打动,儿子在一旁也嚷着说让妈妈做。蛋糕咱也不是能天天吃啊,做了书中的迷你牛奶巧克力蛋糕Mini Milk Chocolate Bundt Cakes以后很是喜欢她的方子,反正俺的生日临近这个就成了候选方案。当时还有一个蛋糕也在候选之列,因为生日前上班时间赶不过来,另外那款蛋糕花的时间多一些,所以最后决定做这个相对简单的魔鬼蛋糕,而且这蛋糕用的是意式蛋白糖霜做装饰,我还从来没有做过,很想尝试尝试。本来想全部照搬原作者的装饰,而且想copy一张类似的图片,呵呵,后来边做边就给改了。看了这么多的西式蛋糕,其实觉得西人做的蛋糕装饰挺简单的,特别是家常自己做,像Dorie 这款外表很简洁,重点在实质的蛋糕上。
看看中式蛋糕哪个不是装点得五颜六色的,俺中毒太深啊,经不起色彩的诱惑,刚开始怎么看都不顺眼,后来把咱家有的水果想着法的往上加啊,左加右调,就成了这样了,还嫌应该有点绿色比较好看。感觉这蛋糕不该叫Devil’s Food White Out Layer Cake,外面的白色都被我的水果给遮住了,改为Devil’s Food Fruit Layer Cake比较靠谱啊!经过装点的魔鬼好像不再面目可憎了哈!!
Adapted from Dorie Greenspan
- 面粉1又1/3 杯
- 可可粉 1/2 杯
- 小苏打3/4 茶勺
- 泡打粉 1/2 茶勺
- 盐 1/4 茶勺
- 室温黄油 1又1/4条 (10 大勺)
- 压紧的浅色黄沙糖 1/2 杯
- 白糖 1/2 杯
- 室温鸡蛋 3 个
- 香草香精 1 茶勺
- 融化冷却的苦甜巧克力 2 盎司
- 室温白脱奶或全职牛奶 1/2 杯
- 开水 1/2 杯(也可以用热咖啡,味道更浓郁)
- 切碎的微甜或牛奶巧克力 4 盎司
- 蛋白 1/2 杯 约4个大蛋蛋白
- 白糖 1 杯
- 塔塔粉 3/4 茶勺
- 水 1 杯
- 香草香精 1 大勺
- 烤箱预热350F/180C. 2个8寸烤盘抹油撒粉放上烤盘纸或蜡纸。
- 2盎司的巧克力可以在微波炉里叮30秒,搅拌后再叮30秒,直到平滑无颗粒状,冷却
- 面粉,可可粉,小苏打,泡打粉和盐混合过筛备用。
- 中速打发黄油直到颜色变浅,加入白糖和黄沙糖继续打发3分钟。一个一个的加入鸡蛋,每一个加入以后搅拌1分钟。加入香草香精,如果看上去不平滑,有些像豆渣样很正常。减速,加入融化冷却的巧克力,等混合物完全混合均匀以后,交替加入做法2中的干粉混合物和白脱奶。干粉分三次加入,白脱奶分两次。干粉——白脱奶——干粉——白脱奶——干粉的顺序。中途可以用橡皮刮刀刮缸便于混合。直到完全,混合均匀,面糊会比较粘稠。继续用低速加入开水混合,然后用橡皮刮刀搅拌加入切碎的巧克力直到面糊平滑。面糊分两份倒入烤盘,抹平表面。
- 入烤箱烤25-30分钟,中途把烤盘转个180度,直到用牙签插入不粘就好了。中间如果有裂开没有关系。烤盘冷却5分钟后,用刀沿烤盘内壁转一圈脱模后去掉烤盘纸,烤面朝上继续冷却至室温。(此冷却后的蛋糕,可以密封保存室温过夜,也可以冷冻2个月以上。)
- 等你准备好装饰蛋糕的时候,如果蛋糕表面有凸起,可以用刀切平,再将每个蛋糕分成两片。留三片,剩下一片用手掰成蛋糕屑。
- 将蛋白放入干净没有沾油和水的容器里,,准备一个做糖用的温度计。
- 将白糖,水和塔塔粉混合均匀放入一口小锅内,中高火加热,烧开后加盖继续煮3分钟。揭开盖子让糖浆继续煮沸直到242F/117C。制作糖浆的时候就开始打发蛋白。
- 当温度达到235F/112C的时候,用中速打发蛋白,如果蛋白开始出现光泽,湿性发泡的样子温度还没有到242F/117C,减速打发,等温度一到242F/117C,马上将糖浆沿着搅拌头和搅拌缸之间小心的慢慢的倒入打发蛋白中。人稍微站远一点,以免糖浆飞溅。如果有糖凝固在缸壁不用管它继续搅拌,加入香草香精,继续中速打发5分钟,直到差不多室温的样子就可以了。此时的蛋白已经是干性发泡了,很坚挺很细腻,有棉花糖般的口感,很好吃。你可以将糖霜放冰箱冷藏片刻后就可以开始装饰蛋糕了。
- 切好片的蛋糕放在一个用锡箔纸包好的蛋糕大小的纸板上,用蜡纸或烤盘纸剪成条,放在蛋糕下以免装饰过程中弄脏。每一层蛋糕之间四周和最表面均匀的涂抹上蛋白糖霜,用先前掰的蛋糕屑粘在蛋糕四周和表面,用手轻压。
Devil’s Food White Out Layer Cake
Adapted from Dorie Greenspan
Makes makes 12 servings
For the cake
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 sticks (10 tablespoons) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup (packed) light brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
3 large eggs, at room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, melted and cooled
1/2 cup buttermilk or whole milk, at room temperature
1/2 cup boiling water
4 ounces semisweet or milk chocolate, finely chopped, or 2/3 cup store-bought mini chocolate chips
For the filling and frosting
1/2 cup egg whites (about 4 large)
1 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
GETTING READY: Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter two 8-x-2-inch round cake pans, dust the insides with flour, tap out the excess and line the bottoms with parchment or wax paper. Put the pans on a baking sheet.
TO MAKE THE CAKE: Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the butter on medium speed until soft and creamy. Add the sugars and continue to beat for another 3 minutes. Add the eggs one by one, beating for 1 minute after each addition. Beat in the vanilla; don't be concerned if the mixture looks curdled. Reduce the mixer speed to low and mix in the melted chocolate. When it is fully incorporated, add the dry ingredients alternately with the buttermilk, adding the dry ingredients in 3 additions and the milk in 2 (begin and end with the dry ingredients); scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed and mix only until the ingredients disappear into the batter. At this point, the batter will be thick, like frosting. Still working on low speed, mix in the boiling water, which will thin the batter considerably. Switch to a rubber spatula, scrape down the bowl and stir in the chopped chocolate. Divide the batter evenly between the two pans and smooth the tops with the rubber spatula.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, rotating the pans at the midway point. When fully baked, the cakes will be springy to the touch and a thin knife inserted into the centers will come out clean. Don't worry if the tops have a few small cracks. Transfer the cake pans to a rack and cool for about 5 minutes, then run a knife around the sides of the cakes, unmold them and peel off the paper liners. Invert and cool to room temperature right side up. (The cooled cake layers can be wrapped airtight and stored at room temperature overnight or frozen for up to 2 months.)
When you are ready to fill and frost the cake, inspect the layers. If the cakes have crowned, use a long serrated knife and a gentle sawing motion to even them. With the same knife, slice each layer horizontally in half. Set 3 layers aside and crumble the fourth layer; set the crumbs aside.
TO MAKE THE FILLING AND FROSTING: Put the egg whites in a clean, dry mixer bowl or in another large bowl. Have a candy thermometer at hand.
Put the sugar, cream of tartar and water in a small saucepan and stir to combine. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, cover the pan and boil for 3 minutes. Uncover and allow the syrup to boil until it reaches 242 degrees F on the candy thermometer. While the syrup is cooking, start beating the egg whites.
When the syrup is at about 235 degrees F, begin beating the egg whites on medium speed with the whisk attachment or with a hand mixer. If the whites form firm, shiny peaks before the syrup reaches temperature, reduce the mixer speed to low and keep mixing the whites until the syrup catches up. With the mixer at medium speed, and standing back slightly, carefully pour in the hot syrup, pouring it between the beater(s) and the side of the bowl. Splatters are inevitable — don't try to scrape them into the whites, just carry on. Add the vanilla extract and keep beating the whites at medium speed until they reach room temperature, about 5 minutes. You should have a smooth, shiny, marshmallowy frosting. Although you could keep it in the fridge in a pinch, it's really better to use it right now.
TO ASSEMBLE THE CAKE: Put a bottom layer cut side up on a cardboard cake round or on a cake plate protected by strips of wax or parchment paper. Using a long metal icing spatula, cover the layer generously with frosting. Top with a second layer, cut side up, and frost it. Finish with the third layer, cut side down, and frost the sides and top of the cake. Don't worry about smoothing the frosting — it should be swirly. Now, cover the entire cake with the chocolate cake crumbs, gently pressing the crumbs into the filling with your fingers.
Refrigerate the cake for about 1 hour before serving. (If it's more convenient, you can chill the cake for 8 hours or more; cover it loosely and keep it away from foods with strong odors.)
SERVING: I think the cake is best at room temperature or just cool, but many people prefer it cold (the texture of the cake becomes fudgier after it has been refrigerated). No matter the temperature, the cake is so pretty it should be cut at the table, so bring it out on a platter and cut it into generous wedges using a serrated knife and a sawing motion.
STORING: The frosted cake can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days; let it stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving, or longer if you have the time.