Tuesday, December 4, 2012

“星巴克”南瓜司康 Pumpkin Scone

南瓜司康 Pumpkin Scone 




    Lucy 最近更新慢,一个主要的原因是我爱上了Lofter网易轻博客,好像我已经在这里说过很多次了,是不是有点罗嗦!!我喜欢在Lofter欣赏别人简短又有意义的文字,喜欢欣赏别人的有创意的摄影作品,所以一到晚上我就拿着手机边看电视边上Lofter,这长篇大论的博也不想写,感觉时间长了不写,就又有很多事要记录,本来每天短短的记录一写博又被我王大娘一回,搞成恶性循环。后来发现上Lofter轻博客越多越喜欢那里,也许更适合我用照片记录生活,相对这里更容易更快捷。渐渐地这里荒废了起来,偶尔来锄锄草,以后上班了估计更新更慢,所以赶在上班前决定把我积压的几篇方子赶快放上来,算是有个交代。



    算下来这南瓜司康是过完万圣节后的产品,一不小心已经被我搁置了半个月。当时也是为了消灭南瓜泥,在网上找了不少的方子,这个方子据好几个博主说可以跟星巴克的南瓜司康媲美,其实我也不是星巴克的big fan,既然大家都这么说好吃,我也想试试的。做好以后我就光顾着照相去了,(摄影的热情比吃高,哈哈!!)自己都没有吃一个,直到第二天才当早餐吃了一个,外脆里软应该是司康的特色,比起其他司康来说,里面更滋润一些,这司康加了两道糖霜,合着这糖霜才有南瓜司康的特色。我怕太甜减少了糖粉的用量,感觉刚刚好。对星巴克南瓜司康感兴趣的同学们,可以试试比较比较哈!!


Adapted from:sweet pea’s kitchen


  • 面粉 2 杯
  • 白糖 1/4 杯+3 大勺
  • 泡打粉 1 大勺
  • 盐 1/2 茶勺
  • 肉桂粉 1/2 茶勺
  • 豆蔻粉 1/2 茶勺
  • 丁香粉 1/4 茶勺
  • 姜粉 1/4 茶勺
  • 黄油 6 大勺 切小块冷冻
  • 南瓜泥 1/2 杯
  • 一半一半 3 大勺(一半牛奶,一半鲜奶油)
  • 鸡蛋 一个


  • 糖粉 1 杯+ 1 大勺
  • 牛奶 2 大勺


  • 糖粉 1 杯+3 大勺
  • 牛奶 2 大勺
  • 肉桂粉 1/4 茶勺
  • 豆蔻粉 1/8 茶勺
  • 姜粉 一点点
  • 丁香粉 一点点


  1. 烤箱预热425F/220C。烤盘上铺上烤盘纸,备用。
  2. 混合面粉,白糖,泡打粉,盐,肉桂粉,豆蔻粉,丁香粉,姜粉,加入黄油,用派刀切黄油,或用料理机间断启动,直到黄油粒如黄豆大小就可以了。
  3. 另一个容器里,混合南瓜泥,一半一半和鸡蛋,将混合物加入做法2中的干料中,把面团捏成团,倒在撒了少许面粉的桌面,擀成约1英寸厚的圆形,我切了8份。(原方是擀成长方形再等分成3份,每份按对角线切成4个小三角形,共12块)
  4. 入烤箱烤14-16分钟,或至表面成金黄色,取出放网架上冷却。
  5. 等待冷却的时候做第一层糖霜。混合糖粉和牛奶至平滑,等司康冷却后,用刷子刷上一层,等它凝固。
  6. 做第二层香料糖霜。混合所有的材料,装入标花袋挤在第一层糖霜上。



Pumpkin Scones

Adapted from:sweet pea’s kitchen

YIELD: 12 Scones


For the Scones:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup and 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
6 tablespoons cold butter, cut into 1-inch cubes
1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
3 tablespoons half-and-half
1 large egg
For the Powdered Sugar Glaze:
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
2 Tablespoons milk
For the Spiced Glaze:
1 cup plus 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 pinch ground ginger
1 pinch ground cloves


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with fit the paddle attachment, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. Add the butter and toss with a fork to coat with the flour mixture. Mix on medium-low speed until the texture resembles coarse cornmeal, with the butter pieces no larger than small peas.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, half-and-half and egg. Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients, and form the dough into a ball. Pat out dough onto a lightly floured surface and form into a 1-inch thick rectangle about 4 inches by 12 inches. Use a large knife to slice the dough making three equal portions. Cut each of the portions in an X pattern (four pieces) so you end up with 12 triangular slices of dough. Place on prepared baking sheet. Bake for 14-16 minutes, or until light brown. Place on wire rack to cool.
While the scones are cooling, make the powdered sugar glaze by mixing the powdered sugar and milk together until smooth. When scones are cool, use a pastry brush to spread plain glaze over the top of each scone. Allow to firm.
While the powdered sugar glaze is firming, combine all of the ingredients for the spiced glaze. Drizzle over each scone and allow the icing to dry before serving (about an hour).

Recipe Note: you can freeze unbaked scones and enjoy hot from the oven scones any day of the week. Just freeze on a baking sheet until firm, tightly wrap in plastic wrap and place in a ziploc freezer bag. When ready to bake just pop into the oven straight from the freezer, no need to thaw. Just add a few more minutes to the baking time.

Source: Brown Eyed Baker originally adapted from We [Heart] Food

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