Monday, November 7, 2011

猴子面包 Monkey Bread–美国特产

猴子面包Monkey Bread
       猴子面包英文叫Monkey Bread,也可以叫做手撕面包(pull apart bread ),我上次做的手撕肉桂面包就是其中的一种改版。最早的猴子面包出现在美国50年代American women’s magazines 杂志,因为面包是由一块块的小面包堆放组成的,吃的时候用手撕开一块块的吃,传统的猴子面包含高糖高油,吃起来甜甜的粘乎乎的ooey,gooey, 但是深受美国人民的喜欢,成了美国比较普遍的早餐面包或者下午茶点。至于它名字的来历众说纷纭,有人说像非洲的猴面包树,有人说因为大家用手抓面包吃的样子像猴子。猴子面包的做法非常简单,用甜面包方子经过第一次发酵以后,把面团分成小球,分别在融化的黄油和肉桂糖里裹一层,堆放在中空的蛋糕模里,再次发酵后就可以烤制了。现在大家也都发挥创造力,也在猴子面包中加入芝士或香料使其不再只是 “甜”面包也可以作为主食。
猴子面包Monkey Bread 

猴子面包Monkey Bread 


  • 中筋面粉 3又1/4杯
  • 盐 1 茶勺
  • 即溶酵母 2 茶勺
  • 牛奶 1 杯 + 1茶勺左右调整干湿度
  • 白糖 1/4 杯
  • 室温黄油 2 大勺
  • 融化的黄油 1/2 杯
  • 黄沙糖brown sugar或白糖 1又1/4 杯(用黄沙糖要好吃一些,我因为上次做还剩了不少就将就了。)
  • 肉桂粉 2 茶勺
  • 核桃或其他干果 1 杯
  • 葡萄干 1/2 杯

猴子面包Monkey Bread做法:
  1. 在一个量杯里将牛奶,白糖,即溶酵母,融化的黄油混合均匀,在搅拌机里将面粉和盐用浆型头混合均匀,然后将牛奶溶液慢慢倒入低速搅拌的搅拌机里,等干粉都消失后,换成勾型头改成中速继续搅拌,中途刮缸几次,如果感觉干可以加1茶勺的牛奶,直到面团光滑有延展性。放入一个涂抹了一层油(我用的nonstick butter spray)的容器里,用布盖上,放温暖的地方发酵到两倍大,用手指插入小孔不回缩,约1个小时。
  2. 面团发酵完成前准备好夹馅。将黄沙糖或白糖与肉桂粉混合均匀备用,另一个碗里将黄油融化备用。将核桃和葡萄干混合备用。中空的烤模喷或涂抹上一层油,在底部洒上些核桃葡萄干混合物备用。
  3. 等面团发酵好后,将面团倒在一个洒了少许面粉的桌面,将面团拍成正方形,用刮板或刀将面团分割成4份,每份再切成小块。我没有数全部约50-60块。将面团揉搓成小球,先在黄油里裹一层,再在肉桂糖里裹一层,放在准备好的烤模里。每个小球最好放在空隙之间,铺完一半以后撒上一些核桃葡萄干混合物,再继续完成剩下的小球。碗里应该还剩下些黄油,全部或部分(看个人喜欢油多油少)倒在面包团上,再次放温暖的地方发酵30-40分钟,面团刚刚冒出烤模就可以了。
  4. 烤箱预热360F/180C,入烤箱烤25-30分钟至表面金黄,如果颜色深用锡箔纸盖一下。
  5. 从烤箱里取出来后稍凉,约5-10分钟,注意这个时候还是很烫的,戴上手套用一个盘子盖住面包将烤模连盘子一起翻转过来就行了,趁热最好吃。如果冷了在微波炉里加热20秒左右。
猴子面包Monkey Bread


Monkey Bread


For the dough
  • 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2  teaspoons instant dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter, malt
  • 1 cup whole milk
For the coating
  • 1/2 cup malt butter
  • 1  1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  1. In a bowl, mix milk,  melted butter, sugar and yeast. Place flour and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer. Use the dough hook attachment to mix them together. With machine on low, slowly add the milk mixture. When the dough begins to come together, increase speed to medium and continue to mix until the dough is shiny and smooth about 10 minutes,with your hands form a smooth, round ball. Coat a large bowl with nonstick spray. Place dough in the bowl,Cover the bowl with a clean dish towel. Put your covered bowl of dough into the warm  place until the dough doubles in size about 1 hour.
  2. When dough is almost done rising, prepare the coating. In a medium bowl, whisk together brown sugar and cinnamon. In a separate bowl, melt the butter. Another bowl mix the walnut and raisins. Coat a bundt pan with nonstick spray, put some of walnut and raisins mixture on the bottom.Set aside.
  3. Remove dough from the bowl onto a lightly floured surface and gently pat into an 8-inch square. Using a sharp knife or bench scraper, cut the dough into small pieces. Roll each piece into a ball. Dip a ball in the melted butter, then roll in brown sugar mixture; place into the prepared bundt pan. Continue with remaining balls of dough, layering the balls as they accumulate in the bundt pan. Sprinkle the walnut and raisins between the balls. If you have  melted butter left over, drizzle  them over the layered dough balls. Cover the bundt pan with a clean dish towel, Let rise in a warm place, until dough is just over the top of the pan, 30 to 40 minutes. 
  4. Bake in a preheated 360 F /180 C oven for 25 to30 minutes or till golden brown. Remove from oven, cool about 5-10 minutes, place a plate face down in top of the pan, using oven mitts to hold plate on pan, turn over both until bread slides out onto plate. Serve warm…and enjoy.





Recipes by Category


凉菜沙拉/Cold Dishs,Salads 蔬菜/Vegetables 主食面食

豆制品/Tofu 汤/soup 海鲜/Seafood

猪肉/Pork 牛肉/Beef 禽蛋/Poultry,Eggs

免烤甜品小吃/Snacks,Drinks,None Baking Desserts 饼干/Cookies 面包/Breads

蛋糕玛芬甜品/Cakes,Muffins,Desserts 翻糖制作/Fondant

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